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= Critical Notes =
* In v5+ firmware, if you update firmware on any readout card, the card doesn't reply to any command unless the Clock Card is also reprogrammed.
== Releases ==
All firmware can be downloaded from [http://e-mode.phas.ubc.ca/mce/firmware/ http://e-mode.phas.ubc.ca/mce/firmware/]. Release notes for each firmware release can be found below:
* Always cleanly reset the MCE after a power-up or a reconfiguration!  If not, MCE communication with the PC or Sync Box may not work.  On MAS prompt, type: '''''mce_reset_clean'''''
* [[ Clock Card firmware]]
* [[ Readout Card firmware]]
* After an mce_reset, not all of the DAC outputs are set to zero.  In addition, values written to RAM-based registers are not reset. A full reconfiguration is required for a proper reset. You may power-cycle the MCE remotely if the MCE is equipped with a PSA (UBC switching supply) by issuing '''''mce_cmd -x rs psc cycle_pow 1''''' and then '''''mce_reset_clean'''''
* [[ Bias Card firmware]]
* [[ Address Card firmware]]
= Releases =
* [[ PCI card firmware ]]
All firmware can be downloaded [http://www.phas.ubc.ca/~mce/mcedocs/firmware/ here]. Release notes for each firmware release can be found below:
* [[ Clock Card (CC) ]]
* [[ Readout Card (RC) ]]  
* [[ Bias Card (BC) ]]
* [[ Address Card (AC) ]]
* [[ Power-Supply Unit Controller (PSUC) Rev. 1 ]]
* [[ Power-Supply Unit Controller (PSUC) Rev. 2 ]]
* [[ Sync Box Firmware ]]
* [[ Sync Box Firmware ]]
= Firmware Upgrade Methods =
See also:
* Using Altera supplied Hardware/Software
* [[Recommended firmware versions]]
** [[ USB Blaster ]]
** [[ Quartus II Installation ]]
** [[ Using Ethernet Blaster | Ethernet Blaster ]]
* Remote firmware update over the MCE fibre interface
** Firmware Downloads and .Jam-File Generation
** [[ Generating .JAM Files For Remote Update ]]
** [[ Sof2jam ]]  (bash script)
** [[ Generating .Jam-Files Manually ]]
= CVS Repository =
== Loading firmware onto cards ==
* Ask the "MCE team at UBC" for a username/password to be able to access the repository
* Install a CVS client ( e.g. http://www.tortoisecvs.org/ )
* CVS server info is:
**server: e-mode.phas.ubc.ca
**repository folder:/home/cvsroot/mce
**module name: mce
**protocol: pserver
= MCE Features and How-To Guides =
There are two ways to load MCE firmware:
* [[ MCE Commands ]]
# [[ Remote Firmware Update | Remote firmware update over the MCE fibre interface]]
* [[ Upgrading From 4.x.x To 5.x.x Firmware ]] -- using SCUBA-2 as an example
# Using Altera-supplied Hardware/Software and MCE Front-panel Connector
#* [[ USB Blaster | step-by-step instructions ]]
* Data Acquisition
Things to bear in mind:
** [[ High rate acquisition | Fast Data Acquisition ]] -- i.e. up to the frame rate
* In v5+ firmware, if you update firmware on any readout card, the card doesn't reply to any command unless the Clock Card is also reprogrammed.
** [[ The STOP Command ]] (CC v4.0.b, v4.0.c, v5.0.1+)
* Always cleanly reset the MCE after a power-up or a reconfiguration!  If not, MCE communication with the PC or Sync Box may not work. On MAS prompt, type: '''''mce_reset_clean'''''
** [[ How to Configure Which Readout Cards Report Data ]] (CC v4.0.a+)
** [[ How to Read a Column at the Frame Rate ]] (CC v5.0.0 & RC v5.0.0+)
** [[ Rectangle Mode Data ]] (CC v5.0.0 & RC v5.0.1+)
* Readout Card
== Implementation Details ==
** [[ Data mode | Data Modes ]]
** [[ Digital 4-pole Butterworth Low-pass filter | Filtered Data & the Digital 4-pole Butterworth Low-pass Filter]]
** [[ Raw-mode readout | Raw 50 MHz Data ]]
** [[ Flux jumping | Flux Jumping]]
** [[ FSFB Clamping Commands ]] -- to prevent unlocked pixels from ramping (RC v5.0.a+)
** [[ FSFB Servo Start Value ]]
* Address Card
* Source on GitHub: https://github.com/multi-channel-electronics/mce_firmware
** [[ Fast SQ2 Feedback and TES Biasing with an Address Card ]]
* [[ MCE Timing Diagram ]]
* [[MCE fibre protocol]] - communication between the MCE and the controlling PC over the fibre-optic link
* [[MCE backplane protocol]] - communication between cards within the MCE
* Monitoring MCE Status [[http://www.phas.ubc.ca/%7Emce/mcedocs/system/monitoring_mce_status.doc DOC]] (Nov. 9, 2006)
* [[MCE commands]]
* Clock Card
== Firmware Development Tools ==
** [[ Remote Firmware Update ]] (CC v5.0.7+)
** [[ Internal Commands ]]
*** [[ Arbitrary Waveform Generator ]] -- for maximum length sequences and complex impedance measurements (CC v5.0.3+)
*** [[ Ramp Generator ]]
*** [[ Temperature monitoring ]]
MCE Firmware Bugs/ Features Under Development has been moved to the [http://e-mode.phas.ubc.ca/intmcewiki/index.php/MCE_bugs Internal MCE Wiki Bug List].
= Firmware Development Tools =
* [[ Quartus II Installation ]]
* [[ Quartus II Installation ]]
* [[ ModelSim SE Installation ]]
* [[ ModelSim SE Installation ]]
** [[ Setting up Altera libraries in ModelSim SE ]]
** [[ Setting up Altera libraries in ModelSim SE ]]
* [[MCE_firmware#CVS_Repository|Firmware CVS Repository]]
* [[MCE RTL Testbenches]]
* [[ JAM Player ]]
* [[ JAM Player ]]
* [[ JRunner ]]
* [[ Convert sof to jic for EPCS64 Serial Configuration Device ]]
* [[ Convert sof to jic for EPCS64 Serial Configuration Device ]]
= MCE Scripting =
== Development notes ==
* [[ http://e-mode.phas.ubc.ca/mcewiki/index.php/MAS | MAS ]]
* [[intmce:MCE bugs]]
* [[ MAS Cheat Sheet ]]
* [[intmce:Firmware Features Under Development]]
* [[ Using Python to Automate MAS ]]
* [[intmce:Closed firmware features]]
* [[ MCE: Helper programs ]]

Latest revision as of 14:29, 31 January 2025

Related topics:


All firmware can be downloaded from http://e-mode.phas.ubc.ca/mce/firmware/. Release notes for each firmware release can be found below:

See also:

Loading firmware onto cards

There are two ways to load MCE firmware:

  1. Remote firmware update over the MCE fibre interface
  2. Using Altera-supplied Hardware/Software and MCE Front-panel Connector

Things to bear in mind:

  • In v5+ firmware, if you update firmware on any readout card, the card doesn't reply to any command unless the Clock Card is also reprogrammed.
  • Always cleanly reset the MCE after a power-up or a reconfiguration! If not, MCE communication with the PC or Sync Box may not work. On MAS prompt, type: mce_reset_clean

Implementation Details

Firmware Development Tools

Development notes