MCE firmware
From MCEWiki
Critical Notes
- MCE firmware-load bug: In v5+ firmware, if you update firmware on any readout card, the card doesn't reply to any command unless the Clock card is also reprogrammed.
- Always cleanly reset the MCE after a power-up or a reconfiguration! If not, MCE communication with the PC or Sync Box may not work.
> mce_reset_clean
- After an mce_reset, not all of the DAC outputs are set to zero. In addition, values written to RAM-based registers are not reset. A full reconfiguration is required for a proper reset.
> rs psc cycle_pow 1 > mce_reset_clean
MCE Firmware Releases
Firmware Revisions:
- Clock Card (CC)
- Readout Card (RC) Rev. A/B (Stratix I)
- Readout Card (RC) Rev. C/D (Stratix III)
- Bias Card (BC)
- Address Card (AC)
- Power-Supply Unit Controller (PSUC) Rev. 1
- Power-Supply Unit Controller (PSUC) Rev. 2
- Sync Box Firmware
Firmware Downloads and .JAM Conversions
- Compatible Versions (CC,RC,BC,AC) . (Lists of versions of firmware to use together.)
- MCE Firmware Downloads
- MCE Programming File Conversions. (Converting between sof, pof, jic, and jam files.)
MCE Features and How-To Guides
- Data Acquisition
- Fast Data Acquisition (i.e. at the Frame Rate)
- The STOP Command (CC v4.0.b, v4.0.c, v5.0.1+)
- How to Configure Which Readout Cards Report Data (CC v4.0.a+)
- How to Read a Column at the Frame Rate (CC v5.0.0 & RC v5.0.0+)
- Rectangle Mode Data (CC v5.0.0 & RC v5.0.1+)
- Readout Card
- Data Modes
- Filtered Data & the Digital 4-pole Butterworth Low-pass Filter
- Raw 50 MHz Data
- Flux Jumping
- FSFB Clamping Commands (i.e. To Prevent Unlocked Pixels from Ramping, RC v5.0.a+)
- FSFB Servo Start Value
- Clock Card
- Remote Firmware Update (CC v5.0.5+)
- Internal Commands
- Arbitrary Waveform Generator (i.e. Maximum Length Sequences for Complex Impedance Measurements, CC v5.0.3+)
- Ramp Generator
- Temperature monitoring
MCE Firmware Bugs/ Features Under Development
- This section has been moved to the Internal MCE Wiki Bug List.
Hardware Peripherals
Software Tools
- Quartus II Installation
- ModelSim SE Installation (from scratch)
- CVS Firmware Repository
- JAM Player
- JRunner
- SVN links (We decided (sadly) NOT to migrate from CVS to SVN, if we ever do here is some information:)
- SVN Manual
- Accessing the SVN Repository
- SVN Commit Guidelines
- SVN Basic Operations