MCE firmware

From MCEWiki
Revision as of 16:44, 6 April 2010 by Mandana (talk | contribs) (Critical Notes)

Critical Notes

  • Always cleanly reset the MCE after a power-up or a reconfiguration! If not, MCE communication with the PC or Sync Box may not work.
> mce_reset_clean
  • After an mce_reset, not all of the DAC outputs are set to zero. In addition, values written to RAM-based registers are not reset. A full reconfiguration is required for a proper reset.
> rs psc cycle_pow 1
> mce_reset_clean
  • MCE firmware-load bug: In v5+ firmware, if you update firmware on any readout card, the card doesn't reply to any command unless the Clock card is also reprogrammed.

MCE Firmware Releases

Revision information on firmware for each card:

MCE Features and How-To Guides

MCE Firmware Bugs/ Features Under Development

Hardware Peripherals

Software Tools

CVS Firmware Repository
Quartus II Installation
ModelSim SE Installation (from scratch)
  • SVN links (We decided (sadly) NOT to migrate from CVS to SVN, if we ever do here is some information:)
SVN Manual
Accessing the SVN Repository
SVN Commit Guidelines
SVN Basic Operations
Resurrecting Deleted Items

MCE Scripting