Difference between revisions of "MCE firmware"

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(Firmware Development Tools)
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= Firmware Development Tools =
= Firmware Development Tools =
* [[ Quartus II Installation ]]
* [[ Quartus II Installation ]]
* [[ ModelSim SE Installation ]] (from scratch)
* [[ ModelSim SE Installation ]]
* [[ CVS Firmware Repository ]]
* [[ CVS Firmware Repository ]]
* [[ JAM Player ]]
* [[ JAM Player ]]

Revision as of 14:18, 16 September 2010

Critical Notes

  • In v5+ firmware, if you update firmware on any readout card, the card doesn't reply to any command unless the Clock Card is also reprogrammed.
  • Always cleanly reset the MCE after a power-up or a reconfiguration! If not, MCE communication with the PC or Sync Box may not work. On MAS prompt, type: mce_reset_clean
  • After an mce_reset, not all of the DAC outputs are set to zero. In addition, values written to RAM-based registers are not reset. A full reconfiguration is required for a proper reset. You may power-cycle the MCE remotely if the MCE is equipped with a PSA (UBC switching supply) by issuing mce_cmd -x rs psc cycle_pow 1 and then mce_reset_clean


All firmware can be downloaded here

Release notes for each firmware release can be found below:

Firmware Upgrade Methods

CVS Repository

  • Ask the "MCE team at UBC" for a username/password to be able to access the repository
  • Install a CVS client ( e.g. http://www.tortoisecvs.org/ )
  • CVS server info is:
    • server: e-mode.phas.ubc.ca
    • repository folder:/home/cvsroot/mce
    • module name: mce
    • protocol: pserver

MCE Features and How-To Guides

MCE Firmware Bugs/ Features Under Development has been moved to the Internal MCE Wiki Bug List.

Firmware Development Tools

  • SVN links (We decided (sadly) NOT to migrate from CVS to SVN, if we ever do here is some information:)
SVN Manual
Accessing the SVN Repository
SVN Commit Guidelines
SVN Basic Operations
Resurrecting Deleted Items

MCE Scripting