Power Supply Assembly
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An ACDCU connected to an external PSU powering a 48HP MCE subrack.
The Power-Supply Unit, or PSU, is an obsolete power conditioner for the MCE. It took ±150VDC generated by the AC-DC Unit (ACDCU) and produced Vcore, Vlvd, Va+, Va-, and Vah needed to power the cards in the subrack, output on the standard Winchester power connector. (See MCE Power for details.)
The original 72HP subrack has space for mounting the PSU inside the rack, next to the clock card. The smaller 48HP subrack does not have space for this, and the PSU must be run externally.
The digital controller inside the PSU is the Power-Supply Unit Controller (PSUC). The PSUC can monitored by the Clock card, and controlled through the obsolete psu MCE command target.