MCE firmware
From MCEWiki
[hide]Critical Notes
- Always cleanly reset the MCE after a power-up or a reconfiguration! If not, MCE communication with the PC or Sync Box may not work.
> mce_reset_clean
- After an mce_reset, not all of the DAC outputs are set to zero. In addition, values written to RAM-based registers are not reset. A full reconfiguration is required for a proper reset.
> rs psc cycle_pow 1 > mce_reset_clean
MCE Firmware Releases
- Compatible Versions (CC,RC,BC,AC) . (Lists of versions of firmware to use together.)
- MCE Programming File Conversions. (Converting between sof, pof, jic, and jam files.)
- MCE Firmware File Downloads
Setting the permissions on firmware files uploaded to the folder above:
> ssh > cd ~mce/public_html/mcedocs/firmware > chmod o+r rc_*.pof
Revision information on firmware for each card:
- Clock Card (CC)
- Readout Card (RC) Rev. A/B
- Readout Card (RC) Rev. C/D
- Bias Card (BC)
- Address Card (AC)
- Power-Supply Unit Controller (PSUC) Rev. 1
- Power-Supply Unit Controller (PSUC) Rev. 2
MCE Features and How-To Guides
- Data Acquisition
- Readout Card
- Data Modes
- Filtered Data & the Digital 4-pole Butterworth Low-pass Filter
- Raw 50 MHz Data
- Flux Jumping
- FSFB Clamping Commands (i.e. To Prevent Unlocked Pixels from Ramping)
- Clock Card
- Remote Firmware Update
- Internal Commands
- Arbitrary Waveform Generator (i.e. Maximum Length Sequences for Complex Impedance Measurements)
- Ramp Generator
- Temperature Sensing
MCE Firmware Bugs/ Features Under Development
- This section has been moved to the Internal MCE Wiki Bug List.
Hardware Peripherals
Software Tools
All that you need to know about logging into our CVS repository can be found here:
We decided (sadly) NOT to migrate from CVS to SVN, if we ever do here is some information:
- SVN Manual
- Accessing the SVN Repository
- SVN Commit Guidelines
- SVN Basic Operations