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{{cmdrow|card=sys|id=num_rows_reported|addr=55|params=# rows|desc=number of rows of data that are reported in a data packet. This parameter is set in conjunction with the {{param|rc|readout_row_index}}. See also {{param|sys|num_cols_reported}}, {{param|rc|readout_col_index}}. Default = 41|fwrev=4.0.0}}
{{cmdrow|card=sys|id=num_rows_reported|addr=55|params=# rows|desc=number of rows of data that are reported in a data packet. This parameter is set in conjunction with the {{param|rc|readout_row_index}}. See also {{param|sys|num_cols_reported}}, {{param|rc|readout_col_index}}. Default = 41|fwrev=4.0.0}}
{{cmdrow|card=sys|id=num_cols_reported|addr=AD|type=wb|params=# columns|desc=number of columns of data that are reported in a data packet. This parameter is set in conjunction with the {{param|rc|readout_col_index}}. See also {{param|sys|num_rows_reported}}, {{param|sys|readout_row_index}}. Default = 8|fwrev=5.0.0}}
{{cmdrow|card=sys|id=num_cols_reported|addr=AD|type=wb|params=# columns|desc=number of columns of data that are reported in a data packet. This parameter is set in conjunction with the {{param|rc|readout_col_index}}. See also {{param|sys|num_rows_reported}}, {{param|rc|readout_row_index}}. Default = 8|fwrev=5.0.0}}

Revision as of 19:20, 9 September 2014

Template:Hierarchy header This document lists the commands used to communicate with the MCE over the fibre-optic interface. These are low-level commands sent directly to the cards. In general, MAS abstracts these commands, providing a higher-level interface to MCE commanding. In MAS, mce_cmd is used to issue commands to the MCE, and the MCE commands and their encodings are defined in the hardware description file: mce.cfg.

Command list

The following list omits unimplemented commands and commands obsoleted before firmware version 5. In the lists below, in general, the type column indicates whether the parameter can be read from (rb) or written to (wb) or both (rb,wb). A few commands are interacted with in other ways (indicated by rs or go,st); for these special commands see the discussion of low-level MCE commands in the mce_cmd description.

General card commands

These commands can be issued to any card in the MCE (cc, rc1 to rc4, bc1, bc2, bc3, ac).

IDAddr.TypeDataDescriptionFW Rev.
Return the FPGA temperature of a cardall
Return the card temperature from a IC sensorall
card_id0x93rbcard IDReturn card ID from on-board silicon-ID chipall
card_type0x94rbcard typeReturn Card Type and PCB revision:
  • Bit 31 to 16: unused
  • Bit 15 to 8: PCB revision: 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, &c.
  • Bit 7 to 0: Card type: 0=RC, 1=BC, 2=RC, 3=CC
slot_id0x95rbslot IDReturn slot IDall
fw_rev0x96rbrevisionReturn firmware revision, eg 0x0501000D for rev.5.1.d:
  • Bit 31 to 24: major revision number (e.g., for rev.5.1.d: 0x05)
  • Bit 23 to 16: minor revision number (e.g., for rev.5.1.d: 0x01)
  • Bit 15 to 0: build number (e.g., for rev.5.1.d: 0x000D)
led0x99rb,wbstatusSet and return the status of the front-panel LEDs. When writing to the LEDs, the value supplied is XOR’ed with the current value of the LED status, to produce the new status.all
scratch0x9Arb,wbword[0..7]These are read/write registers to be used for arbitrary purposes. An example is to use one to detect undesired reset of MCE.all
critical_error_rst0x9Brb,wbresetWriting 1 to this register triggers a reconfiguration of the FPGA from it's configuration device and therefore the card is unresponsive for a few seconds.all
fpga_clr0x9Crb,wbresetWriting 1 to this register clears all the registers in firmware, but not the RAM blocks in the FPGA.all

System Commands

These commands affect the timing of the system – which means that they must be issued to all cards in the MCE at the same time. They are addressed to every card in the MCE by using the "sys" card address.

IDAddr.TypeDataDescriptionFW Rev.
row_len0x30rb,wb# cyclesnumber of 50MHz clock cycles that are spent per row during multiplexing. Default = 64. Maximum = 65,535all
num_rows0x31rb,wb# rowsnumber of rows to be multiplexed. Default = 41. Maximum = 2147483647/row_lenall
num_rows_reported0x55rb,wb# rowsnumber of rows of data that are reported in a data packet. This parameter is set in conjunction with the readout_row_index. See also num_cols_reported, readout_col_index. Default = 41≥4.0.0
num_cols_reported0xADwb# columnsnumber of columns of data that are reported in a data packet. This parameter is set in conjunction with the readout_col_index. See also num_rows_reported, readout_row_index. Default = 8≥5.0.0

Clock card commands

IDAddr.TypeDataDescriptionFW Rev.
config_app0x52rs1Configure the FPGA with the image in the application configuration device (EPC16).≥3.0.1
config_fac0x51rs1Configure the FPGA with the image in the factory configuration device (EPC16).≥3.0.1
ret_dat_s0x53rb,wbstart, stopSpecify the starting and ending sequence-numbers for data frames that the MCE is to return. Each frame of data will have a sequence number affixed to it. Sequence numbers will be assigned to data frames in increasing order, beginning with the starting sequence number, and finishing with the ending sequence number. Both parameters may range between 0x00000000 and 0xFFFFFFFF. If both starting and ending sequence numbers are the same, then a single frame of data will be returned. If the starting sequence number is larger than the ending sequence number, then frames will be returned until the sequence number has wrapped around and reached the stopping sequence number. Starting and stopping sequence numbers are expected for all modes of data acquisition—including for DV pulses.all
use_dv0x54rb,wbmodeSet the DV mode. The Clock Card can return data frames at an internal rate specified by data_rate, or in response to Data-Valid pulses from the Sync Box manchester input. Default = 0. Allowed values:
  • mode=0: internal DV generated by the MCE
  • mode=2: external DV on the "SYNC IN" input fibre
array_id0x58rbarray IDRead the ID of the sub-array that a MCE box is connected to, if equipped with an IR array ID reader.all
box_id0x59rbbox IDRead the identification of the sub-rack. Each production sub-rack has a unique Silicon ID IC mounted on the Bus Backplane.all
sram_data0x5Crb,wbword[0..n]Read/write a block of 32-bit data to SRAM at address specified by the sram_addr parameter.≥4.0.9
sram_addr0x5Erb,wbaddressSpecify the starting address for subsequent read/write operation to the 1024k x 32-bit SRAM. The, physical addresses range between 0x00000000 and 0x000FFFFF≥4.0.9
data_rate0xA0rb,wb# periodsSpecify the rate at which data frames are collected by the MCE if DV pulses are not being used (see use_dv). The rate is specified as the time between data packets measured in frame periods, i.e. a value of 11 will return one data packet every 11 frame periods. A frame period is the amount of time required for the multiplexer to address all the rows on a MUX. Default = 47all
mce_bclr0xABrs1Clear the registers on all the cards in the MCE, including the Clock Card≥3.0.4
cc_bclr0xACrs1Clear the registers on the clock card only≥3.0.4
box_temp0xA8rbbox temp.Return the temperature measured by the sensor on the bus backplane.all
crc_err_en0xA9rb,wbmodeSet the reply packet CRC mode:
  • mode=0: Normal CRC calculation performed
  • mode=1: CRC word forced to be 0xFFFFFFFF
use_sync0xA1rb,wbmodeSpecify the sync mode. The Clock Card can return to address 0 using its internal timing, or in response to sync pulses from the Manchester input. Default = 0. Allowed values:
  • mode=0: internal timing generated by the MCE
  • mode=2: external timing on the "SYNC IN" input fibre
select_clk0xA2rb,wbsourceSelect the source of the clock input to the Clock Card's PLL, either the Manchester input clock, or the on-board crystal clock. Both are nominally 25 MHz. Default = 0. Allowed values:
  • source=0: internally generated by the MCE
  • source=1: externally input on the "SYNC IN" input fibre
When source=1, and the external Manchester Clock disappears, the firmware automatically switches back to the internal clock. After the switch-back, reading back select_clk will return 0. Writing the same value to select_clk as what it is does not cause a clock glitch. Writing a different value causes a realignment of the PLL output clock to the new input, which takes two 25MHz clock cycles, or 80ns. See Altera Application Note 313.
internal_cmd_mode0xB0rb,wbmodeEnable or disable internal housekeeping/ramping commands. Default = 0. Allowed values:
  • mode=0: internal commands disabled
  • mode=1: housekeeping commands enabled
  • mode=2: ramp commands enabled
  • mode=3: arbitrary waveform (AWG) commands enabled
ramp_step_period0xB1rb,wb# periodsSpecify the number of frame periods between each ramp step.≥4.0.0
ramp_min_val0xB2rb,wbvalueSpecify the minimum value of the ramp that is to be applied. Must be less than ramp_max_val≥4.0.0
ramp_step_size0xB3rb,wbstepSpecify the ramp step size. If step = ramp_max_val – ramp_min_val, then the ramp will be a square wave≥4.0.0
ramp_max_val0xB4rb,wbvalueSpecify the maximum value of the ramp that is to be applied. Must be greater than ramp_min_val≥4.0.0
ramp_param_id0xB5rb,wbaddressSpecify the parameter address of the register to be ramped≥4.0.0
ramp_card_addr0xB6rb,wbaddressSpecify the card address of the register to be ramped≥4.0.0
ramp_step_data_num0xB7rb,wbcountSpecify the number of data that are to be written per ramp command≥4.0.0
ramp_step_phase0xBBrb,wboffsetSpecify the phase offset of the start of the ramp≥5.0.b
awg_sequence_len0xB9rb,wblengthSpecify the length of the Arbitrary

Wave Generator (AWG) sequence that is loaded in RAM. This parameter tells the internal commanding FSM how many val

ues to apply before restarting at the beginning
awg_data0xBArb,wbdatum[0..n]Load the Arbitrary Wave Generator (AWG) sequence into RAM on the Clock Card. The RAM has 8192 indices. This may be expanded later if there are enough resources still available on the Clock Card≥5.0.3
awg_addr0xBCrb,wbaddressSpecify the starting address for reading from or writing to the Arbitrary Wave Generator (AWG) RAM. This parameter also affects the memory address of the internal commanding FSM≥5.0.3
cards_present0x5Arbcard listReport which cards are present in the MCE:
  • Bit 9: Address card
  • Bit 8: Bias card #1
  • Bit 7: Bias card #2
  • Bit 6: Bias card #3
  • Bit 5: Readout card #1
  • Bit 4: Readout card #2
  • Bit 3: Readout card #3
  • Bit 2: Readout card #4
  • Bit 1: Clock card
  • Bit 0: unused
cards_to_report0x5Brb,wbcard listSpecify which cards are present in the MCE subrack, and will return data over the bus backplane. This command can be used in situations where certain cards are not present in the subrack, and should not return data in replies. The default value for this register is 1 for every possible card. To stop a card from returning data, set its corresponding bit to 0. See cards_present for bit assignments≥4.0.a
cards_to_report_data0x5Frb,wbcard listThis command is not redundant with cards_to_report. It applies only to Readout Cards, and only for data taking (ret_dat) commands. This register sets which Readout Cards return data during a data run. This command allows the selective return of data without affecting which cards respond to all other commands, which is useful if a data run fails. See cards_present for bit assignments, but note that only RC bits are honoured≥4.0.a
stop_dly0xB8rb,wbdelaySpecify the time delay between the return of the next data frame and the return of the reply to a stop command. The time specified is in microseconds. This command is used to test the robustness of the PCI card to replies following immediately on the heels of a data packet.≥4.0.a
run_id0x56rb,wbvalueSpecify an ID number that will be stored in every data packet header returned to the PC. On ACT, the ID number corresponds to the C time at which data acquisition began. ACT's data files are also named by the same C time, so that the data pipeline can easily track which files the data are from≥4.0.2
user_word0x57rb,wbvalueSpecify a value that will be stored in every data packet header returned to the PC. This register is used by ACT to store a combination of array_id and data_mode information. At Caltech, it is used during IV curves to store the value of the TES bias applied.≥4.0.2
upload_fw0x50wbcount, datum[0..n]Specify count (≤57) doublets of packed JTAG data. The first word of the command specifies the total number of [TMS,TDI] doublets contained in the rest of the data. The rest of the words consist of count [TMS,TDI] doublets starting from the LSB. The TCK signal is implied. The JTAG FSM automatically runs through a TCK cycle after asserting each new doublet consisting of one TMS and one TDI bit. Command execution:
  1. Apply [TMS,TDI] doublet to JTAG interface,
  2. Assert TCK (automatic) and wait for tck_half_period. While waiting, store TDO (automatic) after tdo_sample_dly cycles after the assertion of TCK,
  3. De-assert TCK (automatic) and wait for tck_half_period
config_jtag0xAArbdatum[0..n]Read back ≤57 bits of packed JTAG data. Unlike the upload_fw command above, the first word returned does not contain the number of bits read out. It is assumed that following every upload_fw command, this command will be called and will thus return the same number of single bits as there were doublets of [TMS,TDI] data transmitted. Every new upload_fw command overwrites the TDO data from the previous upload_fw command. The mce_jam player can ignore TDO data that is not important.≥5.0.5
tdo_sample_dly0xAErb,wbdelaySpecify the number of clock cycles after the assertion of TCK that TDO should be sampled. Default = 2. The default value is tuned to the MCE, so leave this as is≥5.0.5
tck_half_period0xAFrb,wb½ periodSpecify the number of clock cycles that TCK should remain high, and then remain low. Default = 8. The default value is tuned to the MCE, so leave this as is≥5.0.5
: If select_clk=0, then the user must set use_sync=0 and use_dv=0, otherwise timing artifacts will appear in data. The following combinations are OK: [[[MCE commands#cc_select_clk|select_clk]], use_sync, use_dv] = [0,0,0] or [1,2,2] or [1,0,0] or [1,2,0] or [1,0,2]

Readout card commands

IDAddr.TypeDataDescriptionFW Rev.
sa_bias0x10rb,wbbias[0..7]Read/write the SA bias values for all columns on a readout cardall
offset0x11rb,wboffset[0..7]Read/write the SA offset values for all columns on a readout cardall
gainp00x70rb,wbgainp[0..40]Read/write the Readout Card's 41 P coefficients for any given column. P gains are signed 10-bit valuesall
gaini00x78rb,wbgaini[0..40]Read/write the Readout Card's 41 I coefficients for any given column. I gains are signed 10-bit valuesall
flx_quanta00x80rb,wbquantum[0..40]Read/write the Readout Card's 41 flux quanta for any given column. Flux Quanta are used to calculate the SQ1 feedback valueall
gaind00x88rb,wbgaind[0..40]Read/write the Readout Card's 41 D coefficients for any given column. D gains are signed 10-bit valuesall
adc_offset00x68rb,wboffset[0..40]Read/write the Readout Card's 41 ADC offsets for any given column. The ADC Offset coefficients are used to digitally offset each 50 MHz ADC sample on the Readout Cardsall
readout_row_index0x13rb,wbindexSpecify the starting row index of data to be returned in a data block. Default = 0. Note: if num_rows_reported > num_rowsreadout_row_index – 1, then the readout row index will wrap accordingly to 0 during readout.≥4.0.0
ret_dat0x16go,st1Request data frames. Prior to this command, the Clock Card expects a ret_dat_s command to set up how many frames are to be collected and what sequence numbers to assign. Following that, a single ret_dat command triggers the return of n frames of dataall
en_fb_jump0x15rb,wbenabledEnable (=1) or disable (=0) flux jumping on the Readout Card. The size of flux jumps is specified by the flux_quanta# commandsall
data_mode0x17rb,wbmodeSet/return data mode. Not all data modes are supported by all firmware revisions.all
captr_raw0x18rb,wbenabledCapture (=1) a 64k timestream snapshot of the error signal when Address-Return-to-Zero is asserted. 65,536 50MHz ADC samples from the channel specified by readout_col_index are stored in the raw-data buffer on the Readout Card≥5.0.1
servo_mode0x1Brb,wbmode[0..7]Set the per-column servo mode on the Readout Cards. Available modes are:
  • mode=0 or 1: constant feedback mode as specified by fb_const parameter
  • mode=2: ramp mode
  • mode=3: PID-loop lock mode
ramp_dly0x1Crb,wb# framesSpecify the number of frame-periods before the next step in a ramp function. This delay can be tuned to the data-frame readout rate (data_rate), so that one frame of data is read out per ramp stepall
ramp_amp0x1Drb,wbvalueSpecify the maximum ramp value, in 14-bitsall
ramp_step0x1Erb,wbstepSpecify what the step size of each step in the ramp is, max 14-bitall
fb_const0x1Frb,wbfb_const[0..7]Specify the constant feedback DAC value for a each column when the servo is in constant mode (see servo_mode). Applied to SQ1 feedback. Range: -8192 to 8191. The constant value is applied to the Readout Card DAC repetitively for every new rowall
sample_dly0x32rb,wb# cyclesSpecify the number of 50MHz clock cycles from the start of a row during which ADC samples do not contribute to a co-added value on the Readout Cardsall
sample_num0x33rb,wbcountSpecify the number of 50MHz samples co-added during a row-period on the Readout Cards. Co-addition begins after the sample delay, and one value is co-added per 50MHz clock cycle. Note that default is 0 and therefore you need to explicitly set this parameterall
fb_dly0x34rb,wb# cyclesSpecify the number of 50MHz clock-cycles between the start of a row and the assertion of the row's feed-back value on the Readout Cards. (minimum is 7 with flux-jumping off, 10 or 18 (depending on firmware revision) when flux-jumping is on).all
flx_lp_init0x37wb1Initialize/reset the PID loop calculations on the Readout Cards for new PID parameters to take effectall
readout_col_index0x19rb,wbcolumnSpecify the starting column index of data to be returned in a data block. Default = 0. Note: if num_cols_reported > num_colsreadout_col_index – 1, then the readout column index will wrap accordingly to 0 during readout. During raw readout, this parameter specifies the index of the column for which raw data is stored≥5.0.1
readout_priority0x67rb,wbmodeSpecify whether readout should be

column-major or row-major. Default = 0. Available values:

  • mode=0: Data readout is in row-major order – all the pixels in a row are read out before moving on to the next row.
  • mode=1: Data readout is in column-major order – all the pixels in a column are read out before moving on to the next column
This command is not supported by MAS.
integral_clamp0x66rb,wbvalueThis parameter is used to clamp the integral term used in SQ1 feedback calculation. Once this value is reached, the integral term is permanently clamped and can only be reset by issuing a flx_lp_init command or reset. This is invented to prevent ramping of unlocked pixels and mitigate the adverse effects of the ramping pixels on locked pixels. See integral clamp.≥5.0.9
servo_rst_arm0xF8wb1When set to 1, the flux-loop servo on all detectors flagged by servo_rst_col# are reset; see Flux-loop reset per detector≥5.2.0
servo_rst_col00xF0rb,wbreset_row[0..40]A per-detector flag indicating which pixels to reset when servo_rst_arm is set to 1; see Flux-loop reset per detector≥5.2.0
fltr_rst0x14wb1Reset the filter data pipeline. The flx_lp_init command automatically triggers a fltr_rstall
fltr_coeff0x1Arb,wbb11, b12, b21, b22, k1, k2Specifies a set of 6 filter parameters for the low-pass Butterworth filter, the first 4 are the biquad coefficients followed by k1 and k2; see Digital 4-pole Butterworth Low-pass filter≥5.1.0
fltr_type0x65rb,wbtypeSpecify the filter type. Default is 1. Allowed values:
  • type=1: fcutoff / fsamp = 122.226Hz / 15151Hz
  • type=2: fcutoff / fsamp = 75Hz / 30000Hz
  • type=255: filter specified by fltr_coeff
pterm_decay_bits0x64rb,wbbit countThe p-term is now implemented as <math>p_n = err_n + b p_{n-1}</math> where <math>b= 1 - \frac{1}{2^k}</math>. This command specifies the value of k. Default is 0, which behaves the same as older firmware≥5.1.a

Bias card commands

IDAddr.TypeDataDescriptionFW Rev.
flux_fb0x20rb,wbflux_fb[0..31]Specify the flux feedback for all 32 16-bit DAC channels on the Bias Cards. The mapping between DAC channels and SQUIDs is hardware dependent. For 32-column systems (72-HP subracks):
  • BC1 flux_fb[0..31] ↔ SA feedback
  • BC2 flux_fb[0..31] ↔ SQ2 feedback
  • BC3 flux_fb[0..31] ↔ SQ2 bias

For most 16-column systems (48-HP subracks):

  • BC1 flux_fb[0..15] ↔ SA feedback
  • BC1 flux_fb[16..31] ↔ SQ2 bias
  • BC2 flux_fb[0..15] ↔ SQ2 feedback
  • BC3 flux_fb[0..15] ↔ TES bias

For 16-column systems with only two bias cards, the TES bias mapping is, instead:

  • BC2 flux_fb[16..31] ↔ SQ2 feedback
These maps are abstracted in MAS by the sa, sq1, sq2, and tes virtual cards.
bias0x21rb,wbbiasRead/Write the low-noise LVDS 16-bit DACs that are typically

used to supply TES bias or pixel heater currents. In early MCE/Bias Card versions, nominal mappings are:

  • BC1 bias ↔ Pixel Heater
  • BC2 bias ↔ TES Bias.
The latest Bias Cards have 12 low-noise bias lines
flux_fb_upper0x24rb,wbflux_fb[16..31]Specify the flux feedback for 16 upper 16-bit DACs, i.e. channel 16 to 31 on bias cards. This command was implemented to match the cryostat wiring for the MCEv2 subracks, which use the upper 16 channels of BC1 to supply the SQ2 Bias≥1.4.0
fb_col00xC0rb,wbfb_row[0..40]When enbl_mux = 1 or multiplexing mode is enabled, then these commands specify the 41 multiplexing values for each of the 32 DAC channels (fb_col#) on the bias card≥5.0.3
enbl_mux0x05rb,wbmode[0..31]enable/disable per-column multiplexing DAC values. Default = 0. Allowed values:
  • mode=0: disables multiplexing on the particular column. The column DAC is updated only once when a new value is commanded by issuing a flux_fb command. This is the legacy behavior prior to introducing enbl_mux and fb_col parameters.
  • mode=1: enables multiplexing on the particular column. The column DAC is updated at every row visit by values specified through fb_col# parameters
enbl_flux_fb_mod0x25rb,wbenabled[0..31]Enable (=1) or disable (=0) the per-column addition of mod_val to flux_fb values for regular DACs≥5.3.0
enbl_bias_mod0x26rb,wbenabled[0..31]Enable (=1) or disable (=0) the per-column addition of mod_val to bias values for low-noise bias DACs≥5.3.0
mod_val0x27rb,wbvalueModulation value to be added to either of flux_fb or bias values depending on whether modulation is enabled or not. (see enbl_flux_fb_mod and enbl_bias_mod)≥5.3.0

Address card commands

IDAddr.TypeDataDescriptionFW Rev.
row_order0x01rb,wbrow_num[0..40]This command is relevant when enbl_mux = 1 or 2. Read/write the row-addressing order. A sequence of up to 41 rows is specified at once. The row numbers that are specified with this command refer to the physical channel numbers on the Address Card. Note: After this command is issued, a flx_lp_init command must be issued to all the readout cards to discard previous PID-loop calculations and to clean out the rest of the data pipeline. Default = 0,0,0,...all
on_bias0x02rb,wbbias_row[0..40]Applies when enbl_mux = 1 or 3. Read/write the14-bit on-bias values for all 41 channels of the DACs on the Address Card. Bias values are stored in the order of physical channels on the Address card – which is not necessarily the multiplexing order specified with row_order. This command is nominally is used to specify the SQ1 "on" biases, and are applied one at a time in the sequence specified by row_order. Default = 0,0,0,...all
off_bias0x03rb,wbbias_row[0..40]Applies when enbl_mux = 1 or 3. Read/write the 14-bit off-bias values for all 41 channels of the row-addressing DACs on the Address Card. Bias values are stored in the order of physical channels on the Address card – which is not necessarily the multiplexing order specified with row_order. This command is nominally is used to specify the SQ1 "off" biases. Default = 0,0,0,...all
enbl_mux0x05rb,wbmodeStart/stop array multiplexing. Default: 0. Allowed values:
  • mode=0: Multiplexing off. This is the default value.
  • mode=1: Multiplexing on. The Address Card turns one DAC "on" and one DAC "off" at every row switch. The multiplexed values are specified by on_bias and off_bias. The values are applied in the first two clock cycles after a row switch.
  • mode=2: Multiplexing on. The Address Card changes the values on all the DACs at every row switch. The multiplexed values are specified by fb_col#. All 41 DAC values are applied in the first 4 clock cycles after a row switch.
  • mode=3: Special multiplexing on. In the first heater_bias_len clock cycles of each row visit, the heater_bias values are applied to the DACs, the remaining time, the on_bias values are applied
bias_start0x09rb,wbstart[0..40]Applies only when enbl_mux = 1. Specify the point during each row dwell period when the SQ1 bias is applied. This is specified on a row-by-row basis so that SCUBA2 can do differential bias heating across the rows of their arrays.≥5.0.1
heater_bias0x0Arb,wbbias[0..40]When enbl_mux=3, specify the magnitude of the SQ1-bias heating pulse in DAC units (0 to 16383) during the initial heater_bias_len period of each row visit.≥5.0.2
heater_bias_len0x0Brb,wb# cyclesWhen enbl_mux=3, specify the length of the SQ1 bias heating pulses at the beginning of every new row period.≥5.0.2
fb_col00xE3rb,wbfb_row[0..40]These commands are relevant when enbl_mux = 2. Specifies the 41 multiplexing values for each DAC channel on the Address Card, and for each row that the channel is to multiplex. There are 41 channels on the Address Card, and up to 41 rows per channel that need to be specified. These commands are used only when the address card is used from a bias card slot (see Biasing Address Card).≥2.0.5
const_mode0x06rb,wbmode[0..40]Specify which DAC channels are held at a constant value regardless of the value of enbl_mux. A constant value is applied once only, and is specified by const_val. In addition, DACs for which const_mode=1 do not receive data strobes during multiplexing – so that there are no glitches or excess noise on the DAC outputs.
  • mode=0: this DAC channel is multiplexed when enbl_mux = 1, 2, or 3
  • mode=1: this DAC channel is held at a constant value and not strobed when enbl_mux = 1, or 2 (Biasing Address Card only)
const_val0x07rb,wbval[0..40]Specify values for the DACs that are held constant. val[n] is asserted by DAC n when const_mode[n] = 1. In addition, all constant values are applied to each respective DAC when enbl_mux = 0. When enbl_mux, const_mode, or const_val values are changed, all the DACs that are being held constant have their values re-strobed (Biasing Address Card only)≥2.0.6

Legacy documents

The document linked below provides the same information as this page, except that it includes obsolete and unimplemented commands. In some instances the command names listed in the following document are different than the command names used by MAS (which are listed above). The description of some commands may be obsolete.