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mas.cfg is a configuration file for MAS itself (as opposed to mce.cfg which provides MAS with configuration information about an attached subrack). Typically, it is automatically generated by the MAS build process. As such, to modify mas.cfg in a consistent way, best practice is to re-run the MAS ./configure script with the desired new values and then rebuild MAS.

The file is a libconfig file containing three primary sections:

  • mas, which contains default paths;
  • log_client, which contains the address of the maslog server used by MAS client programs;
  • log_server, which contains the configuration of maslog itself.

Modifying mas.cfg

The most important configuration information which affects mas.cfg, is the distinction between single-card MAS (the default, legacy configuration) and Multicard MAS, which permits controlling more than one fibre card simultaneously. Multicard MAS is enabled by passing --enable-multicard=N to ./configure. See Multicard MAS.

Other MAS ./configure options which affect the directories in the mas section of mas.cfg are:

--with-etc-dir=DIR    sets the etcdir  variable to DIR ("/etc/mce" by default)

--with-mas-root=DIR   sets the masroot variable to DIR ("<MAS_PREFIX>/mce_script" by default)

--with-jam-dir=DIR    sets the jamdir  variable to DIR ("<MAS_PREFIX>/firmware" by default, although this will be changed to
                                                        "<MAS_ROOT>/firmware" in the legacy configuration if it exists at
                                                        configure time for backwards compatibility)

--with-mas-config=DIR sets the confdir variable to DIR ("<MAS_PREFIX>/config" by default)

--with-mas-temp=DIR   sets the tmpdir  variable to DIR ("/tmp" by default)

--with-data-root=DIR  sets the dataroot variable to DIR in the legacy configuration ("/data/cryo" by default).
                                                        For multicard MAS, DIR can be a comma separated list of directories, one per supported
                                                        fibre card.  If it isn't a list, fibre card numbers will be appended to DIR to create
                                                        a list with directories of the form DIR#. (in this case "/data/mce#" is used by

Run ./configure --help for a complete list of options and see MAS OS setup for details on building MAS.