Address Card firmware
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Revision as of 13:39, 16 September 2009 by (talk)
[hide]Recommended Firmware Revisions
- Please see the recommend firmware revisions page.
Firmware Revision Listing
Revision 5.0.1
- Filename: ac_v05000001_14sep2009.sof
- To Do:
- ---
- Features:
- The resource usage on the AC has now reached a level where there isn't enough left to implement Signal Tap. To enable SignalTap, comment out the largest usage of RAM/LE's: "ram : tpram_32bit_x_64" in ac_dac_ctrl.vhd. Remember to uncomment this when running the final synthesis before committal.
- Based on ac_v5.0.0.
- Implements the bias_start command for different bias heating across rows on SCUBA2 arrays.
- IMPORTANT: Must be used in conjunction with firmware v05000000+ of all other cards.
- Details:
- Differences between ac_v5.0.0 and ac_v5.0.1
U system/test/source/tb/tb_cc_rcs_bcs_ac.vhd U addr_card/ac_dac_ctrl/source/rtl/ac_dac_ctrl.vhd U addr_card/ac_dac_ctrl/source/rtl/ac_dac_ctrl_pack.vhd U addr_card/addr_card/source/rtl/addr_card.vhd U addr_card/addr_card/source/rtl/addr_card_self_test.vhd U addr_card/addr_card/synth/ U addr_card/addr_card/synth/ U addr_card/addr_card/synth/ U addr_card/addr_card/synth/addr_card.qsf U addr_card/addr_card/synth/addr_card.sof U addr_card/addr_card/synth/addr_card.tan.rpt U addr_card/addr_card/synth/addr_card.tan.summary U all_cards/all_cards/source/rtl/all_cards_pack.vhd U all_cards/async/source/rtl/async_pack.vhd U all_cards/async/source/rtl/lvds_rx.vhd U all_cards/dispatch/source/rtl/dispatch.vhd U all_cards/dispatch/source/rtl/dispatch_cmd_receive.vhd U all_cards/frame_timing/source/rtl/frame_timing.vhd U all_cards/frame_timing/source/rtl/frame_timing_core.vhd U all_cards/frame_timing/source/rtl/frame_timing_pack.vhd U library/sys_param/source/rtl/data_types_pack.vhd U library/sys_param/source/rtl/wishbone_pack.vhd
- Bugs:
- None yet reported
- FPGA Resource Usage (
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; Fitter Summary ; +--------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ ; Fitter Status ; Successful - Mon Sep 14 13:46:41 2009 ; ; Quartus II Version ; 9.0 Build 235 06/17/2009 SP 2 SJ Full Version ; ; Revision Name ; addr_card ; ; Top-level Entity Name ; addr_card ; ; Family ; Stratix ; ; Device ; EP1S10F780C5 ; ; Timing Models ; Final ; ; Total logic elements ; 9,370 / 10,570 ( 89 % ) ; ; Total pins ; 279 / 427 ( 65 % ) ; ; Total virtual pins ; 0 ; ; Total memory bits ; 199,168 / 920,448 ( 22 % ) ; ; DSP block 9-bit elements ; 8 / 48 ( 17 % ) ; ; Total PLLs ; 1 / 6 ( 17 % ) ; ; Total DLLs ; 0 / 2 ( 0 % ) ; +--------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
- Timing Analyzer Summary (addr_card.tan.rpt):
+---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Timing Analyzer Summary +----------------------------------------------------------+----------+ ; Type ; Slack ; +----------------------------------------------------------+----------+ ; Worst-case tsu ; N/A ; ; Worst-case tco ; N/A ; ; Worst-case th ; N/A ; ; Clock Setup: 'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk0' ; 3.361 ns ; ; Clock Setup: 'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk2' ; 4.142 ns ; ; Clock Hold: 'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk0' ; 0.528 ns ; ; Clock Hold: 'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk2' ; 0.562 ns ; ; Total number of failed paths ; ; +----------------------------------------------------------+----------+
Revision 5.0.0
- Filename: ac_v05000000_22dec2008.sof
- To Do:
- ---
- Features:
- IMPORTANT: Must be used in conjunction with firmware v05000000+ of all other cards.
- To increase data bandwidth, the spare LVDS line from each card to the Clock Card is now used
- Details:
- ---
- Bugs:
- None yet reported
- FPGA Resource Usage (
+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; Fitter Summary ; +--------------------------+------------------------------------------+ ; Fitter Status ; Successful - Tue Jan 13 16:19:16 2009 ; ; Quartus II Version ; 8.1 Build 163 10/28/2008 SJ Full Version ; ; Revision Name ; addr_card ; ; Top-level Entity Name ; addr_card ; ; Family ; Stratix ; ; Device ; EP1S10F780C5 ; ; Timing Models ; Final ; ; Total logic elements ; 9,383 / 10,570 ( 89 % ) ; ; Total pins ; 279 / 427 ( 65 % ) ; ; Total virtual pins ; 0 ; ; Total memory bits ; 196,096 / 920,448 ( 21 % ) ; ; DSP block 9-bit elements ; 8 / 48 ( 17 % ) ; ; Total PLLs ; 1 / 6 ( 17 % ) ; ; Total DLLs ; 0 / 2 ( 0 % ) ; +--------------------------+------------------------------------------+
- Timing Analyzer Summary (addr_card.tan.rpt):
+---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Timing Analyzer Summary +----------------------------------------------------------+----------+ ; Type ; Slack ; +----------------------------------------------------------+----------+ ; Worst-case tsu ; N/A ; ; Worst-case tco ; N/A ; ; Worst-case th ; N/A ; ; Clock Setup: 'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk0' ; 2.617 ns ; ; Clock Setup: 'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk2' ; 4.588 ns ; ; Clock Hold: 'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk0' ; 0.539 ns ; ; Clock Hold: 'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk2' ; 0.658 ns ; ; Total number of failed paths ; ; +----------------------------------------------------------+----------+
Revision 2.0.8
- Filename: ac_v02000008_xxsep2009.sof
- To Do:
- ---
- Features:
- Based on ac_v2.0.7
- Implements the bias_start command for different bias heating across rows on SCUBA2 arrays.
- Details:
- Differences between ac_v2.0.7 and ac_v2.0.8
U system/test/source/tb/tb_cc_rcs_bcs_ac.vhd U addr_card/ac_dac_ctrl/source/rtl/ac_dac_ctrl.vhd U addr_card/ac_dac_ctrl/source/rtl/ac_dac_ctrl_pack.vhd U addr_card/addr_card/source/rtl/addr_card.vhd U addr_card/addr_card/source/rtl/addr_card_self_test.vhd U addr_card/addr_card/synth/ U addr_card/addr_card/synth/ U addr_card/addr_card/synth/ C addr_card/addr_card/synth/addr_card.qws U addr_card/addr_card/synth/addr_card.qsf U addr_card/addr_card/synth/addr_card.sof U addr_card/addr_card/synth/addr_card.tan.rpt U addr_card/addr_card/synth/addr_card.tan.summary U all_cards/all_cards/source/rtl/all_cards.vhd U all_cards/all_cards/source/rtl/all_cards_pack.vhd U all_cards/frame_timing/source/rtl/frame_timing.vhd U all_cards/frame_timing/source/rtl/frame_timing_core.vhd U all_cards/frame_timing/source/rtl/frame_timing_pack.vhd U all_cards/frame_timing/source/rtl/frame_timing_wbs.vhd U library/components/source/rtl/parallel_crc.vhd U library/sys_param/source/rtl/data_types_pack.vhd U library/sys_param/source/rtl/wishbone_pack.vhd
- Bugs:
- None yet reported
- FPGA Resource Usage (
+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; Fitter Summary ; +--------------------------+------------------------------------------+ ; Fitter Status ; Successful - Wed Sep 16 13:03:57 2009 ; ; Quartus II Version ; 8.1 Build 163 10/28/2008 SJ Full Version ; ; Revision Name ; addr_card ; ; Top-level Entity Name ; addr_card ; ; Family ; Stratix ; ; Device ; EP1S10F780C5 ; ; Timing Models ; Final ; ; Total logic elements ; 9,141 / 10,570 ( 86 % ) ; ; Total pins ; 279 / 427 ( 65 % ) ; ; Total virtual pins ; 0 ; ; Total memory bits ; 198,656 / 920,448 ( 22 % ) ; ; DSP block 9-bit elements ; 8 / 48 ( 17 % ) ; ; Total PLLs ; 1 / 6 ( 17 % ) ; ; Total DLLs ; 0 / 2 ( 0 % ) ; +--------------------------+------------------------------------------+
- Timing Analyzer Summary (addr_card.tan.rpt):
+---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Timing Analyzer Summary +----------------------------------------------------------+----------+ ; Type ; Slack ; +----------------------------------------------------------+----------+ ; Worst-case tsu ; N/A ; ; Worst-case tco ; N/A ; ; Worst-case th ; N/A ; ; Clock Setup: 'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk0' ; 1.971 ns ; ; Clock Setup: 'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk2' ; 4.506 ns ; ; Clock Hold: 'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk0' ; 0.539 ns ; ; Clock Hold: 'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk2' ; 0.549 ns ; ; Total number of failed paths ; ; +----------------------------------------------------------+----------+
Revision 2.0.7
- Added the const_val39 command to support internal TES Bias ramping
- None so far