Difference between revisions of "Bias Card firmware"

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(Revision 5.0.1 (lab use))
(Firmware Revision Listing)
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= Firmware Revision Listing =
= Firmware Revision Listing =
= Revision 5.0.2 (lab use) ==
; Filename
: bc_v05000002_xxjan2010.sof
; Features
: build based on 5.0.1 for Rev. E cards
: Independent control for ln_bias lines 0 to 11
; Details
: If this firmware is loaded on a Rev. D card, it's harmless. The only functionality loss is that the bias command will not work as unfortunately DAC CS and CLK pins are swapped for the bias DAC between the two revisions of the card.
; To do
: fix combinational loops on read-ram register
; Bugs
== Revision 5.0.1 (lab use) ==
== Revision 5.0.1 (lab use) ==
; Filename
; Filename
: bc_v05000001_19jan2010.sof  
: bc_v05000001_19jan2010.sof  
; To do
: All ln_bias lines are controlled at once and this should be modified to independent control.
; Features
; Features
: supports the new low-noise bias lines (total of 12) introduced in Bias Card Rev. E
: supports the new low-noise bias lines (total of 12) introduced in Bias Card Rev. E
: card_type parameter is set to 5 (bias-card Rev. E)
: card_type parameter is set to 5 (bias-card Rev. E)
: All DACs are loaded at once as oppose to previous revisions that loaded them one after next.
: All DACs are loaded at once as oppose to previous revisions that loaded them one after next.
: DAC clock is now 25MHz and generated by PLL, previous firmware had 12.5MHz clock generated by dividing down.
; Details
; Details
: If this firmware is loaded on a Rev. D card, it's harmless. The only functionality loss is that the bias command will not work as unfortunately DAC CS and CLK pins are swapped for the bias DAC between the two revisions of the card.
: If this firmware is loaded on a Rev. D card, it's harmless. The only functionality loss is that the bias command will not work as unfortunately DAC CS and CLK pins are swapped for the bias DAC between the two revisions of the card.
; To do
: All ln_bias lines are controlled at once and this should be modified to independent control.
; Bugs
; Bugs
ln_bias_0 doesn't work, because the data line for ln_bias_0 is not connected in firmware.
== Revision 5.0.0 ==
== Revision 5.0.0 ==

Revision as of 18:25, 27 January 2010

Recommended Firmware Revisions

Firmware Revision Listing

Revision 5.0.2 (lab use) =

build based on 5.0.1 for Rev. E cards
Independent control for ln_bias lines 0 to 11
If this firmware is loaded on a Rev. D card, it's harmless. The only functionality loss is that the bias command will not work as unfortunately DAC CS and CLK pins are swapped for the bias DAC between the two revisions of the card.
To do
fix combinational loops on read-ram register

Revision 5.0.1 (lab use)

supports the new low-noise bias lines (total of 12) introduced in Bias Card Rev. E
card_type parameter is set to 5 (bias-card Rev. E)
All DACs are loaded at once as oppose to previous revisions that loaded them one after next.
DAC clock is now 25MHz and generated by PLL, previous firmware had 12.5MHz clock generated by dividing down.
If this firmware is loaded on a Rev. D card, it's harmless. The only functionality loss is that the bias command will not work as unfortunately DAC CS and CLK pins are swapped for the bias DAC between the two revisions of the card.
To do
All ln_bias lines are controlled at once and this should be modified to independent control.

ln_bias_0 doesn't work, because the data line for ln_bias_0 is not connected in firmware.

Revision 5.0.0

  • Filename: bc_v05000000_22dec2008.sof (tagged as sys_v05000000_22dec2008)
  • To Do:
  • Features:
    • IMPORTANT: Must be used in conjunction with firmware v05000000 of all other cards!!!
    • To allow enough data bandwidth, the spare LVDS line from each card to the Clock Card is now used
  • Details:
  • Bugs:
    • None yet reported
  • FPGA Resource Usage (bias_card.fit.rpt):
; Fitter Summary                                                      ;
; Fitter Status            ; Successful - Wed Jan 14 11:19:37 2009    ;
; Quartus II Version       ; 8.1 Build 163 10/28/2008 SJ Full Version ;
; Revision Name            ; bias_card                                ;
; Top-level Entity Name    ; bias_card                                ;
; Family                   ; Stratix                                  ;
; Device                   ; EP1S10F780C5                             ;
; Timing Models            ; Final                                    ;
; Total logic elements     ; 3,356 / 10,570 ( 32 % )                  ;
; Total pins               ; 187 / 427 ( 44 % )                       ;
; Total virtual pins       ; 0                                        ;
; Total memory bits        ; 70,144 / 920,448 ( 8 % )                 ;
; DSP block 9-bit elements ; 0 / 48 ( 0 % )                           ; 
; Total PLLs               ; 1 / 6 ( 17 % )                           ;
; Total DLLs               ; 0 / 2 ( 0 % )                            ;
  • Timing Analyzer Summary (bias_card.tan.rpt):
; Fast Model Timing Analyzer Summary                                               
; Type                                                                ; Slack     ;
; Worst-case tsu                                                      ; N/A       ;
; Worst-case tco                                                      ; N/A       ;
; Worst-case tpd                                                      ; N/A       ;
; Worst-case th                                                       ; N/A       ;
; Worst-case Minimum tco                                              ; N/A       ;
; Worst-case Minimum tpd                                              ; N/A       ;
; Fast Model Clock Setup: 'bc_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk1' ; 7.060 ns  ;
; Fast Model Clock Setup: 'bc_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk0' ; 7.125 ns  ;
; Fast Model Clock Hold: 'bc_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk0'  ; 0.383 ns  ;
; Fast Model Clock Hold: 'bc_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk1'  ; 0.384 ns  ;
; Fast Model Recovery: 'bc_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk0'    ; 16.037 ns ;
; Fast Model Removal: 'bc_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk0'     ; 0.575 ns  ;
; Total number of failed paths                                        ;           ;

Revision 1.4.2

There is no information on this.

Revision 1.4.1

  • bc_v01040001_25jan2008.sof


  • Added card_type and scratch commands
  • Integrated fw_rev and slot_id as part of all_cards
  • Added provisions for safe state machines to fix the reset problem.
  • Added lvds_tx = 0 so clock-card can check whether the card is plugged in using this spare lvds line.

Bugs: None so far

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