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== Latest Stable Release(s) ==
= Firmware Revision Listing =
'''v 1.4.1 (bc_v01040001_25jan2008.sof and .pof)'''
== Revision 5.0.0 (Latest Release) ==
* '''Filename:'''  ac_v05000000_22dec2008.sof
* '''To Do:'''
** ---
* '''Features:'''
** IMPORTANT:  Must be used in conjunction with firmware v05000000 of all other cards!!!
** To allow enough data bandwidth, the spare LVDS line from each card to the Clock Card is now used
* '''Details:'''
** ---
* '''Bugs:'''
** None yet reported
* '''FPGA Resource Usage''' (clk_card.fit.rpt):
; Fitter Summary                                                      ;
; Fitter Status            ; Successful - Tue Jan 13 16:19:16 2009    ;
; Quartus II Version      ; 8.1 Build 163 10/28/2008 SJ Full Version ;
; Revision Name            ; addr_card                                ;
; Top-level Entity Name    ; addr_card                                ;
; Family                  ; Stratix                                  ;
; Device                  ; EP1S10F780C5                            ;
; Timing Models            ; Final                                    ;
; Total logic elements    ; 9,383 / 10,570 ( 89 % )                  ;
; Total pins              ; 279 / 427 ( 65 % )                      ;
; Total virtual pins      ; 0                                        ;
; Total memory bits        ; 196,096 / 920,448 ( 21 % )              ;
; DSP block 9-bit elements ; 8 / 48 ( 17 % )                          ;
; Total PLLs              ; 1 / 6 ( 17 % )                          ;
; Total DLLs              ; 0 / 2 ( 0 % )                            ;
* '''Timing Analyzer Summary''' (clk_card.tan.rpt):
; Timing Analyzer Summary                                             
; Type                                                    ; Slack    ;
; Worst-case tsu                                          ; N/A      ;
; Worst-case tco                                          ; N/A      ;
; Worst-case th                                            ; N/A      ;
; Clock Setup: 'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk0' ; 2.617 ns ;
; Clock Setup: 'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk2' ; 4.588 ns ;
; Clock Hold: 'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk0'  ; 0.539 ns ;
; Clock Hold: 'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk2'  ; 0.658 ns ;
; Total number of failed paths                            ;          ;
== Revision 1.4.1 ==
* bc_v01040001_25jan2008.sof
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Bugs:  None so far
Bugs:  None so far
== Firmware Links ==
= Firmware Links =
* [http://www.phas.ubc.ca/~mce/mcedocs/firmware/bc_fpga_programming_file_catalogue.pdf  Bias Card Firmware Catalog]
* [http://www.phas.ubc.ca/~mce/mcedocs/firmware/bc_fpga_programming_file_catalogue.pdf  Bias Card Firmware Catalog]
* [http://www.phas.ubc.ca/~mce/mcedocs/firmware/ Firmware .sof & .pof Downloads]
* [http://www.phas.ubc.ca/~mce/mcedocs/firmware/ Firmware .sof & .pof Downloads]
== Wiki Links ==
= Wiki Links =
* [http://e-mode.phas.ubc.ca/mcewiki/index.php/MCE_firmware  MCE Firmware Page]
* [http://e-mode.phas.ubc.ca/mcewiki/index.php/MCE_firmware  MCE Firmware Page]
* [http://e-mode.phas.ubc.ca/mcewiki/index.php/Main_Page  MCE Main Page]
* [http://e-mode.phas.ubc.ca/mcewiki/index.php/Main_Page  MCE Main Page]

Revision as of 18:10, 19 January 2009

Firmware Revision Listing

Revision 5.0.0 (Latest Release)

  • Filename: ac_v05000000_22dec2008.sof
  • To Do:
    • ---
  • Features:
    • IMPORTANT: Must be used in conjunction with firmware v05000000 of all other cards!!!
    • To allow enough data bandwidth, the spare LVDS line from each card to the Clock Card is now used
  • Details:
    • ---
  • Bugs:
    • None yet reported
  • FPGA Resource Usage (clk_card.fit.rpt):
; Fitter Summary                                                      ;
; Fitter Status            ; Successful - Tue Jan 13 16:19:16 2009    ;
; Quartus II Version       ; 8.1 Build 163 10/28/2008 SJ Full Version ;
; Revision Name            ; addr_card                                ;
; Top-level Entity Name    ; addr_card                                ;
; Family                   ; Stratix                                  ;
; Device                   ; EP1S10F780C5                             ;
; Timing Models            ; Final                                    ;
; Total logic elements     ; 9,383 / 10,570 ( 89 % )                  ;
; Total pins               ; 279 / 427 ( 65 % )                       ;
; Total virtual pins       ; 0                                        ;
; Total memory bits        ; 196,096 / 920,448 ( 21 % )               ;
; DSP block 9-bit elements ; 8 / 48 ( 17 % )                          ;
; Total PLLs               ; 1 / 6 ( 17 % )                           ;
; Total DLLs               ; 0 / 2 ( 0 % )                            ;
  • Timing Analyzer Summary (clk_card.tan.rpt):


Timing Analyzer Summary


Type  ; Slack  ;


Worst-case tsu  ; N/A  ;
Worst-case tco  ; N/A  ;
Worst-case th  ; N/A  ;
Clock Setup
'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk0' ; 2.617 ns ;
Clock Setup
'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk2' ; 4.588 ns ;
Clock Hold
'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk0'  ; 0.539 ns ;
Clock Hold
'ac_pll:pll0|altpll:altpll_component|_clk2'  ; 0.658 ns ;
Total number of failed paths  ;  ;


Revision 1.4.1

  • bc_v01040001_25jan2008.sof


  • Added card_type and scratch commands
  • Integrated fw_rev and slot_id as part of all_cards
  • Added provisions for safe state machines to fix the reset problem.
  • Added lvds_tx = 0 so clock-card can check whether the card is plugged in using this spare lvds line.

Bugs: None so far

Firmware Links

Wiki Links