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== 1.4.1 ==
== Latest Stable Release(s) ==
* '''Filename''' : bc_v01040001_25jan2008.sof or .pof     
'''v 1.4.1 (bc_v01040001_25jan2008.sof and .pof)'''
* '''Feautres''' :
** added card_type and scratch commands
** integrated fw_rev and slot_id as part of all_cards
** added provisions for safe state machines to fix the reset problem.
** added lvds_tx = 0 so clock-card can check whether the card is plugged in using this spare lvds line.
== 1.4.0 ==
* '''Filename''' : bc_v01040000_14dec2007.sof or .pof      
* '''Feautres''' :
** added flux_fb_upper command to be able to test the mcev2 subrack and set bias only for the upper 16 channels
== 1.3.7 ==
* '''Filename''' : bc_v01030007_07mar2007.sof or .pof     
* Added card_type and scratch commands
* '''Feautres''' :
* Integrated fw_rev and slot_id as part of all_cards
** fpga_temp bug is fixed.
* Added provisions for safe state machines to fix the reset problem.
* ''' Bugs ''':
* Added lvds_tx = 0 so clock-card can check whether the card is plugged in using this spare lvds line.
** Sometimes the card is not responsive after a reset. This was diagnosed as being related to non-safe FSMs.
Bugs:  None so far
** Sometimes the wb bias command only loads half of the value to the DACs, i.e. the voltage is half of what expected on the MDMs. This is resolved in 1.4.1.
== to-do list ==
== Firmware Links ==
* [http://www.phas.ubc.ca/~mce/mcedocs/firmware/ Firmware Downloads]
* [http://www.phas.ubc.ca/~mce/mcedocs/firmware/bc_fpga_programming_file_catalogue.pdf  Firmware Catalog]
* the DAC clocks are driven through a counter, but they should be driven off a PLL 12.5MHz
== Wiki Links ==
* [http://e-mode.phas.ubc.ca/mcewiki/index.php/MCE_firmware MCE Firmware Page]
* [http://e-mode.phas.ubc.ca/mcewiki/index.php/Main_Page  MCE Main Page]
[http://e-mode.phas.ubc.ca/mcewiki/index.php/MCE_Firmware_Catalog MCE Firmware Catalog]
[http://e-mode.phas.ubc.ca/mcewiki/index.php/Main_Page  MCE Main Page]

Revision as of 15:47, 14 July 2008

Latest Stable Release(s)

v 1.4.1 (bc_v01040001_25jan2008.sof and .pof)


  • Added card_type and scratch commands
  • Integrated fw_rev and slot_id as part of all_cards
  • Added provisions for safe state machines to fix the reset problem.
  • Added lvds_tx = 0 so clock-card can check whether the card is plugged in using this spare lvds line.

Bugs: None so far

Firmware Links

Wiki Links