We present the FIR galaxy evolution model described in Marsden et al. (2011), based on BLAST data. We have used a simple model, starting with a two-parameter local luminosity function Φ(L,C), where L is the 42.5–122.5 μm FIR luminosity and C is the 60-to-100 μm colour. This is evolved backwards in time using parametrized functions for both luminosity and density. The model is contrained by counts (from Spitzer/MIPS and AzTEC), CIB (from COBE/FIRAS) and redshift distributions (from SCUBA) in addition to the BLAST counts. We have used Monte Carlo Markov Chains to sample the likelihood distribution so that the model errors can be assessed.
We list several outputs from the model, including differential number counts (both as a function of flux density S and of S and redshift z), luminosity functions, Φ(L,C,z), and sample source lists. For all data files (except the sample catalogues), we give both the best-fit models as well as a set of samples from the chains, which can be used for error analysis. We present realizations from both the α=1 (luminosity-colour evolution) and α=0 (no luminosity-colour) evolution, which are both described in the paper, although we reiterate that the α=1 model is a much better fit to the data.
Except for 1-D source counts, which are also given as text files, all data are in NetCDF format. IDL routines to read the files into data structures are provided. Note that some of the data files are quite large (> 100 MB). The data directory can also be accessed directly.
Please cite Marsden et al. (2011) in any publication using this model. Queries about the model products presented here and requests for additional products can be sent to <gmarsden AT phas.ubc.ca>.
2010-10-16 | Released v1.0.2, which includes 100 micron (no other change). | 2010-10-14 | Updated "simcat" files to v1.0.1, based on bug-fix. |
1-D COUNTS (dN/dS)

Here we list 1-dimensional differential counts, dN/dS. We give ASCII files for each wavelength, as well as NetCDF files for all wavelengths together, both best-fit and for 1000 samples drawn from the chains. The ASCII files list the best-fit models and 68% error envelopes. The routine read_counts.pro can be used to read the NetCDF files in IDL.
2-D COUNTS (d²N/dS/dz)
The routine read_counts.pro can be used to read the NetCDF files in IDL.
Type | α=1 | α=0 |
Best-fit (all λ) | counts_2d_a1_bestfit_v1.0.2.nc | counts_2d_a0_bestfit_v1.0.2.nc |
Sample (all λ) | counts_2d_a1_samp_v1.0.2.nc | counts_2d_a0_samp_v1.0.2.nc |
Evolving luminosity functions Φ(L,C,z), both best-fit and samples from the chains. The "samp" files are limited to 100 samples, due to the (already) large file sizes. The SEDs in the library are normalized such that the 42.5–122.5 μm FIR luminosity is 1.0. The routines read_lumfunc.pro and read_seds.pro can be used to read the luminosity functions and SEDs, respectively, in IDL.
Type | α=1 | α=0 |
Best-fit | lumfunc_a1_bestfit_v1.0.2.nc | lumfunc_a0_bestfit_v1.0.2.nc |
Sample | lumfunc_a1_samp_v1.0.2.nc | lumfunc_a0_samp_v1.0.2.nc |
SEDs | seds_v1.0.2.nc |
The sample catalogues are very large, as they include all sources down to L=1e8 and out to redshift z=7. Please note that L is the 42.5–122.5 μm FIR luminosity. The routine read_simcat.pro can be used to read these files in IDL.
Type | α=1 | α=0 |
1 sq. deg. | simcat_a1_1_sqdeg_v1.0.2.nc | simcat_a0_1_sqdeg_v1.0.2.nc |
10 sq. deg. | simcat_a1_10_sqdeg_v1.0.2.nc | simcat_a0_10_sqdeg_v1.0.2.nc |
We provide IDL routines for reading the NCDF files:
read_counts.pro | Reads both 1-D and 2-D counts, either "bestfit" or "samp". |
read_lumfunc.pro | Reads luminosity functions, either "bestfit" or "samp". |
read_seds.pro | Reads the SED library. |
read_simcat.pro | Reads simulated catalogues. |
2010-10-06 | Version 1.0 released in conjuction with Marsden et al. (2011) astro-ph posting. |
2010-10-14 | Re-named files from "v1.0" to "v1.0.0" and updated "simcat" files to v1.0.1, based on bug-fix. |
2011-01-31 | Updated to v1.0.2 to include 100 micron in all data products. |