Setting up Altera libraries in ModelSim SE

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When loading my mpf file from older ModelSim revisions, any compile would fail with error message: Error: library std not found. After contacting Mentor Graphics, it turns out that the path to some directories were previously hardcoded and not anymore. The solution is add the following line to either modelsim.ini (or project.mpf): std = $MODEL_TECH/../std

Now, one needs to recreate libraries as follows: Altera libraries:

altera lpm

and our own libraries:

sys_param components work

Now we need to compile all the models. The source files for Altera models are located in: altera/10.0/quartus/eda/sim_lib/. You need to compile the following:

220model.vhd , 220pack.vhd into lpm library altera_mf_components.vhd, altera_mf.vhd, altera_primitives.vhd into altera

After you compile these once, you may change them to "do not compile".

Good Luck