Sync Box firmware
Template:Hierarchy header There is an Altera CPLD (EPM570T144C3) and an Atmel micro-controller (AT89C51) on the Sync board.
- SyncBox CPLD Firmware Description [PDF] (SC2-ELE-S589-201)
- SyncBox Microcontroller Software Description [PDF] (SC2-ELE-S589-202)
Consequently, there are two sets of firmware:
- firmware for the CPLD part (*.pof file)
- firmware for the microcontroller (*.hex file)
[hide]Firmware Upgrade Instructions
To upgrade the Sync Box firmware,most times both the microcontroller and the CPLD firmware need to be reprogrammed.
The CPLD firmware can be loaded using the Altera USB-Blaster that connects to the on-board P23 JTAG header, and Quartus Programmer software. A *.pof file needs to be loaded.
The micro-controller firmware can be loaded using a USB cable that connects to the on-board J1 connector, and Flip Programmer software available from Atmel website. A *.hex file needs to be loaded.
For more details, see section 9 in: Sync Box User's Guide
Note: I had to install Flip on 3 computers before I could get the USB driver to work!
Firmware .hex & .pof Downloads
Firmware set Rev. 20
- Filename
- sync_box_v20_22aug2013.hex
- Features
- hard-coded Spider values of fr=120, num_rows=33, row_len=53 (which translates to row_len=106 on mce front)
- firmware revision on rs232 interface now shows 20
Firmware set Rev. 1f
- Filename
- sync_box_v1f_25feb2010.pof
- sync_box_v1f_25feb2010.hex
- Features
- adds a ckd command to the rs232 interface to adjust the frequency of DV_Spare1 and DV_Spare2 by setting a 50MHz divisor through the command.
- when you turn on the sync box, the firmware revision 1f appears on the rs232 terminal
Firmware set Rev. 1e (6e?)
- Filename
- sync_box_v6e_11aug2008.pof
- sync_box_v1c_17nov2006.hex
- Features
- added a 50MHz clock on SMA output of the Sync box
- Note
- Since the microcontroller code is still 1c and that is what is reported in rs232 terminal, there is no way to identify this set from a 1c set.
Firmware set Rev. 1c
- Filename
- sync_box_v6c_19oct2006.pof
- sync_box_v1c_17nov2006.hex
- Features
original firmware
Source code
The source code for the sync box firmware is available. Ask UBC for a copy.