Digital 4-pole Butterworth Low-pass filter

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Revision as of 16:27, 5 November 2010 by Mandana (talk | contribs)


A digital 4-pole Butterworth low-pass filter is implemented as 2 cascaded biquads (2-pole topology) in the Read-out card firmware of the MCE. The transfer function of the IIR filter is: <math> H(z) = \frac {1+2 z^{-1}+z^{-2}}{1+b_{11} z^{-1}+b_{12} z^{-2}} . 2^{-k_1} . \frac {1+2z^{-1}+z^{-2}}{1+b_{21} z^{-1}+b_{22} z^{-2}} . {2^{-k_2}} </math>

Filter coefficients b11, b12, b21 b22, and truncation factors, k1 and k2, are hard coded in older firmware and just recently (version 5.1.0+) they can be programmed through software.

 wb rca fltr_coeff b11 b12 b21 b22 k1 k2

Note that in order to accomodate the quantization effects, you have to follow the recipe prescribed here when specifying the coefficients and truncation factors.

There are 3 filter-related MCE parameters/commands:

  • fltr_type: to determine whether filter coefficients are hard-coded or configurable
  • fltr_coeff: to specify filter coefficients
  • fltr_rst: to reset the filter pipeline after changing coefficients

Filter Specification

Filter specification of the 4-pole Butterworth filter is determined by the filter coefficients b11, b12, b21, b22, described earlier.


fcutoff is the frequency at which the signal is <math>\sqrt2</math> of its maximum value and

fsamp is the sampling frequency calculated as 50MHz/(num_rows * row_len). For example 50MHz(100*33)=15151.5Hz.

Note that the filter f3dB scales if fsamp changes.

Type 1 (hard-coded coefficients)
(supported in all rc _except_ 5.0.7)
DC amplification = 1217.9148
fcutoff / fsamp = 122.226Hz / 15151Hz
Gain @ 200Hz=0.14189148 (wrt the DC gain)
Type 2 (hard-coded coefficients)
(supported only in rc version 5.0.7)
DC amplification = 2044
fcutoff / fsamp = 75Hz / 30000Hz
Type 255 (configurable coefficients)
supported in rc 5.1.0+ Filter coefficients b11, b12, b21, b22 and truncation factors, k1, k2 are parametrized and programmable by software.

The fitler type can be determined by reading back the MCE parameter called fltr_type (rb rc1 fltr_type). (supported in firmware 5.0.a+)

The following plot shows the magnitude and the phase of Type 1 filter.

Here is Elia's original plot Then we see the same plot with the impulse-response also added (by Joe, Nov 29, 2007): BW filter2.png

Here is the filter response for Scuba2 setting (fsamp=9.5kHz, freadout=200Hz): Media: Filter fs10kHz 200Hzdecimated

IDL Code

In this little IDL program you can find the functional form as a function of the frequency of the filter. First, Elia's original program, then as modified by Joe on November 29, 2007, then modified by Mandana on Jan. 14, 2009 for Scuba2 numbers.

Media: filter_pro.txt

Media: filter_pro2.txt

Media: low_pass_filter_model_pro.txt

Filter Coefficients

Butterworth Coefficients

The filter coefficients are generated using fdatool (filter-design & Analysis tool, part of DSP Toolbox) in Matlab/Simulink. These coefficients are floating numbers and in order to feed them to MCE firmware, they need to be quantized by converting to signed binary fractional (SBF) 1.14 format. You may use alternate methods* to generate coefficients. Here, we explain the method using fdatool.

Once you launch the fdatool, choose the following settings:

  • Response Type: Low Pass
  • Design Method: Butterworth
  • Filter Order: 4
  • Frequency Specifications:
    • For Type 1: Fsamp = 12195 = (50000/100*41), Fcutoff=100
    • For Type 2: Fsamp = 30000 = (50000/100*41), Fcutoff=75
    • For Type 255: Fssamp = You specify (50000/row_len*num_rows), Fcutoff=You specify (<Freadout / 2)
    • (The attenuation at Fcutoff is fixed at 3dB (half the passband power))

Then click on Design Filter and you will get the following coefficients:

Type 1
Section 1:
Numerator: 1 2 1
Denominator: 1 -1.9587428340882587 0.96134553442399129
Gain = 1/g1 = 0.00065067508393319923 (not implemented)
Section 2:
Numerator: 1 2 1
Denominator: 1 -1.9066292518523014 0.90916270571237567
Gain = 1/g2= 0.00063336346501859835 (not implemented)
Type 2
Section 1:
Numerator: 1 2 1
Denominator: 1 -1.9711486088510415 0.97139181456687917
Section 2:
Numerator: 1 2 1
Denominator: 1 -1.9878047097960421 0.98804997058724808
Gain = 1/(g1 * g2)= 0.0000000037280516432624239 (not implemented)
Type 255
Plug in your desired fs and fc in Matlab fdatool and you will get a set of coefficients:
Section 1:
Numerator: 1 2 1
Denominator: 1 B11 B12
Gain = 1/G1
Section 2:
Numerator: 1 2 1
Denominator: 1 B21 B22
Gain = 1/G2

Coefficient Quantization =

The quantization format is signed-binary fractional (SBF) 1.14 and then 2's complement to be able to account for positive and negative values.

  • Multiply each of the Bxx coefficients by 214 and then if negative multiply by -1.
  • k1 or the inter-stage truncation factor can be calculated as (1 + floor(log2g1))
  • k2 or the output-truncation can be calculated as: (27- floor(log2(g2))

For example, if we use this formula to quantize Type 1 coefficients: b11: -1.9587428340882587 becomes 32092 b12: 0.96134553442399129 becomes 15750 b21: -1.9066292518523014 becomes 31238 b22: 0.90916270571237567 becomes 14895 k1: 0.00065067508393319923 becomes 11 k2: Example: for gain of 1548 we enter 11 to scale down the output by 2^11.

  • Now if 32-k1+k2 >32 then you have to talk to UBC!

The following ONLY concerns the MCE firmware developers:
Prior to firmware 5.1.0, the coefficients were hardcoded in fsfb_calc_pack.vhd (FILTER_B11_COEF, FILTER_B12_COEF, FILTER_B21_COEFF, FILTER_B22_COEFF, FILTER_GAIN_WIDTH, FILTER_SCALE_LSB).

Calculating the DC Gain (k)

Note that in firmware, instead of k1 and k2, an inter-biquad gain of k3 (implemented as a binary shift) and k4, representing number of bits dropped after the second biquad, are implemented.

Hence, the overall gain becomes (k1 x k2) / (k3 x k4).

(Note for firmware developers: see FILTER_GAIN_WIDTH and FILTER_SCALE_LSB in fsfb_calc_pack.vhd.)

Type 1
k3 is 211, the filter gain is estimated at 1184, but vhdl simulation results in a gain of 1216.
Type 2
k3 is 214 and k4 is 23, the filter gain is estimated at 2046, but vhdl simulation results in a gain of ????.

The gain difference can be attributed to the coefficient quantization effects.

Useful Links

Alternative to fdatool

If you do not have access to fdatool or do not have DSP toolbox installed, you can use the following Matlab functions (or equivalent in other packages) to get the coefficients:

  1. butter: is a matlab function to generate butterworth coefficients
  2. sos2tf: matlab function to break a transfer function to second-order sections
  3. bilinear: converts an s-domain (continuous) transfer function to z-domain (discrete) transfer function.
  • Then run the following in matlab (or whatever syntax your tool has):
  num=[1 2 1]
  denum=[1 -1.9711486088510415  0.97139181456687917]
  max(dbode(num, denum, 1/fs) but also look at the bode-plot to make sure it is flat, otherwise read the max from the flat portion of the plot instead of the max function.

k1= 1 + floor(log2(g1))