MCE Power

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The MCE power requirements for a typical MCE72 subrack (with 4 Rev. B Readout Cards) are:

+Vcore 3V 5A
+Vlvd 4.5V 3A
+Va 6.2V 15A
-Va -6.2V 2A
+Vah 1 10V 0.1A

The MCE power requirements for a typical MCE48 subrack (with 2 Readout Cards and 3 Bias-Cards (Rev. F) are:

Voltage High-Power RC (Rev. B) Low-Power RC (Rev. D)
+Vcore 3V 5.1A 3.2A
+Vlvd 4.5V 1.1A 1.1A
+Va 6.2V 5.7A 9.3A
-Va -6.2V 1.6A 1.3A
+Vah 1 10V 0.1A -

1: 10V supply only used when Readout Card Rev. B or Bias Card Rev. D is present in a subrack. 10V was used to generate reference voltages for DACs.

Powering up an MCE

There are different solutions for powering up an MCE.

Linear Supplies

A straight-forward method is to use linear supplies configured to satisfy the above requirements. In that case the MCE has to be equipped with the right Linear-Feed connector in the front.

The 5-MDM MCE (72HP, SCUBA2 style) has 2 Circular Amphenol connectors in the front panel. Pinout is here:Amphenol pinout]

The 3-MDM MCE (48HP, Spider Style) has a Winchester MRA-34P-G connector in the front panel. Pinout can be found under Winchester connector, here : 48HP PSU Connector The Winchester connector is to be used with either linear supplies or switching supply (PSA). When using linear supplies, you can ignore connections that are "white" on that pinout. Those lines are few digital lines to monitor voltages of the switching supply and unused when used with Linear supplies.

As an example, here is how we setup our linear supplies in the lab.

Switching Supplies (AC-powered)

The MCE can be equipped with a switching supply (PSA) that is powered through a front-panel Amphenol connector that takes +-150V DC. The +-150V is generated by an external AC-DC unit that can reside far from the MCE. The ACDC unit is designed and supplied by UBC.

So far, there has only been one incident that the switching noise was reported to be unacceptable.

See picture of 5-MDM MCE (72HP) powered by PSA+ACDCU[]

See picture of 3-MDM MCE (48HP) powered by PSA+ACDCU[1 MCE48 front view][MCE48 AC-powered switching supply setup]

Switching Supplies (24V-in)

The MCE can alternatively be equipped with a 24V-in Switching supply to be used in balloon-based experiments. We are currently debugging the prototype design.