Sync Box firmware
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There are an Altera CPLD (EPM570T144C3) and an Atmel micro-controller (AT89C51) on the Sync board and most times both need to be reprogrammed to upgrade the Sync Box firmware.
The CPLD firmware can be loaded using the Altera USB-Blaster that connects to the on-board P23 JTAG header. A *.pof file needs to be loaded.
The micro-controller firmware can be loaded using a USB cable that connects to the on-board J1 connector. A *.hex file needs to be loaded.
For more details, see:
Firmware .sof & .pof Downloads
Firmware set Rev. 1f
- Filename
- sync_box_v1f_25feb2010.pof
- sync_box_v1f_25feb2010.hex
- Features
- adds a ckd command to the rs232 interface to adjust the frequency of DV_Spare1 and DV_Spare2 by setting a 50MHz divisor through the command.
- when you turn on the sync box, the firmware revision 1f appears on the rs232 terminal
Firmware set Rev. 1e (6e?)
- Filename
- sync_box_v6e_11aug2008.pof
- sync_box_v1c_17nov2006.hex
- Features
- added a 50MHz clock on SMA output of the Sync box
- Note
- Since the microcontroller code is still 1c and that is what is reported in rs232 terminal, there is no way to identify this set from a 1c set.
Firmware set Rev. 1c
- Filename
- sync_box_v6c_19oct2006.pof
- sync_box_v1c_17nov2006.hex
- Features
original firmware