Code repositories
Currently, the MAS repository is on e-mode, and should be accessible from anywhere on the internet. The svn server is
There are separate repositories for core MAS (driver + libraries + command line applications) and user applications (squid tuning, file management scripts, idl scripts).
The core MAS repository is called "mas".
The MCE script repository is called "mce_script".
SSH Tunneling for SVN
Sometimes, you may want to tunnel the SVN port. This isn't necessary now that the server is on e-mode, but in any case it's done like this:
ssh -N -L
You can replace "" with your username@any machine behind the physics firewall that you have access to. This command will ask for your password, and then remain open. As long as this command is running, you can do svn operations using the address "svn://localhost/..." and they will be redirected to e-mode.
Everyone should be using mas/trunk these days. In the past we suggested branching the MAS repository on a per-experiment basis, but MAS is now stable enough that this is no longer necessary. Only mas/trunk is currently maintained on Ubuntu 10.04.
Since MAS is a make/make install type of thing, you should checkout MAS into a user source folder somewhere:
cd src/ svn checkout --username=<my_svn_id or my_experiment_name> svn:// mas
MCE Script
The top-level structure of the mce_script repositories is, roughly:
--+--trunk +--branch--+--experiment1 +--experiment2 +-- ...
Depending on whether you want the trunk (UBC users or read-only for other users), or your experiment's branch, you should use either
MY_BRANCH=trunk MY_USER=my_svn_id
MY_BRANCH=branch/my_experiment_name MY_USER=my_experiment_name
If you have a personal svn id, you should use it. Sometimes.
Since things in mce_scripts tend to get edited more often than MAS, it should be checked-out directly into /usr/mce. The /usr/mce directory should be created automatically when you "sudo make install" the mas source. If you can't wait that long, create it manually:
sudo mkdir /usr/mce sudo chgrp mce /usr/mce sudo chmod g+wxs /usr/mce
Then checkout mce_script:
cd /usr/mce svn checkout --username=$MY_USER svn://$MY_BRANCH mce_script
(You need to be in the mce group to get away with the checkout... 'usermod -a -G mce <username>' )
Branching and merging
Merging is accomplished by telling svn to apply a change history from one branch into the current location. For example, if we want branched from trunk/target at r100 and want to merge all changes in trunk/target up to the current head version into branches/expt/target, the merge command would be:
cd branches/expt/target svn merge -r100:HEAD ../../../trunk/target