Sync Box

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Revision as of 09:52, 9 July 2008 by (talk)

Issue commands to the Sync Box

To issue commands to a sync box over an RS-232 line, you can use a Linux program called 'MiniCom'. To install this application, type the following:

> apt-get install...

To start MiniCom:

> sudo minicom

Minicom needs the following options changed for it to work properly:

> <ctrl-a>, <z>, <a>
> <ctrl-a>, <z>, <o>, <Serial port setup> <Serial Device> = /dev/ttyS0
> <ctrl-a>, <z>, <o>, <Serial port setup> <Bps/Par/Bits> = 9600 8N1
> <ctrl-a>, <z>, <o>, <Serial port setup> <Hardware Flow Control> = No
> <ctrl-a>, <z>, <o>, <Serial port setup> <Software Flow Control> = No
> <ctrl-a>, <z>, <o>, <Modem and dialing> <Modem has DCD line> = No

After you modify these settings, remember to save, exit and restart Minicom.