MAS Bug List

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device driver

  • Driver doesn't work well on realtime (in NFY/HST mode). Oddly, non-realtime acquisitions at 400 Hz in this mode have been achieved.
  • Inform interval should be remembered, and updated whenever necessary. [ Careful with this, you have to watch for things like DSP resets / mode switches! ]
  • If a command is interrupted without a timed-out reply being read, you have to cat /dev/mce_cmd0 before you can command the MCE. [ Resolved, error message is informative. ]
  • Incorrect DSP packet size leads to DSP dropping the packet and no one knows to time out.

mce_cmd / mce_library

  • qt_mode is not enabled automatically [ yes, it is. ]
  • "cc fw_rev" expects at most 1 argument; this prevents us from doing, e.g. "rra cc fw_rev 0 1", which should be allowed.
  • "reply outstanding" error effectively locks up the system. mce_cmd should recover from it.

dsp_cmd / dsp_library


  • when idl was run and set_directory set a new data directory, log file disappeared and there was a period where commands where not

logged in yesterday/log and there was no today/log either.

  • 2007-12-03 MA: noticed that $MAS_DATA/log is empty and although commands go through nothing is logged. tried to reload mas.cfg:
 maslog_server -f /etc/mas.cfg 
 maslog_server - logging server for MAS
 load_config: key 'level' not found in config file
 listen_on_addr: failed to bind [98] (address already in use?)
 listener_listen: could not listen on address 'localhost:7894'

then tried "maslog reopen" and that didn't help either.