MAS start/stop

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The only persistent application in MAS is the logging daemon, maslog. To unload MAS, you should stop maslog and then unload the MAS driver.


The only persistent application in MAS is the logging daemon, maslog_server. To see if it is running, run

$ ps -e |grep maslog_server

To bring it down cleanly, use the maslog application with the exit command:

$ maslog stop

To start the server up again, do

$ maslog start


The MAS driver, when loaded, will register itself as "mce_dsp". You can check for its presence in the list of modules:

$ cat /proc/modules |grep mce
mce_dsp 36564 0 - Live 0xf8c1e000

To unload it, run

$ sudo rmmod mce_dsp

To load it again, run

$ sudo modprobe mce_dsp

device files

Once the driver is installed it is necessary to create access points in /dev. This is done with the script mknodes in the driver source directory (this will be made better...)

$ /home/mce/mas/driver/mknodes

These nodes can be removed, if desired, with a normal rm command:

$ sudo rm /dev/mce_*