Main Page
From MCEWiki
This Wiki is for users and developers of UBC's Multi-Channel Electronics (MCE), and the MCE Acquisition Software (MAS).
- To edit this wiki you will need an account; please get in touch with UBC.
- To stay up-to-date with MCE changes, consider subscribing to the MCE announcement mailing list:
- MCE Firmware - information on firmware versions, features, and tools
- MCE Hardware - information on MCE hardware
- MCE main website - hardware board descriptions and schematics
- PCI card firmware - MCE-compatible firmware for the astrocam ("SDSU") PCI card.
- Sync Box
- MCE Acquisition Software (MAS) - kernel driver and low-level tools
- Array setup Programs (mce_script)
- Unix stuff
- DAS - SCUBA2's data acquisition system
Contact Info
To receive occasional e-mails about software and firmware updates, please subscribe to the MCE announcement mailing list:
MCE Lab: 604-822-2585 Halpern's Lab: 604-822-6709 Hardware/firmware: mandana at Software: mhasse at, dvw at