Quartus II Installation
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Revision as of 20:33, 11 December 2009 by (talk)
This page describes the proceedure for installing the latest version of Quartus II and the version of ModelSim AE that is available along with it.
[hide]Check Quartus II Requirements
Download Quartus II
- In a web browser, browse to ftp://ftp.altera.com/outgoing/release/
- Filenames to look for are of the form "xx_quartus_free.exe"
- Download the latest version of Quartus II (including its library files) to the following directory: http://www.phas.ubc.ca/~scuba2/sc2mce/library/sw_lib
Install Quartus II
- Double click on 'XX_quartus_windows.exe' and follow the extraction and installation instructions.
Quartus II Linux Version
Altera claims only to support Redhat/Suse but I think we can fool it. There were two major problems encountered:
- The installer couldn't communicate with the Quartus web site
- This was solved by setting up a stupid proxy relayer. I don't know why it was necessary and I don't know why it worked. The relay program is here:
- The installer couldn't find a few commands that typically exist on Fedora systems, notably "arch" and "rpm". Fake versions of these, suitable for tricking the Quartus installer, can be found here (put them in /usr/bin and make them executable):
http://e-mode.phas.ubc.ca/~mhasse/mce/quartus_linux/rpm http://e-mode.phas.ubc.ca/~mhasse/mce/quartus_linux/arch
Outstanding problem: Quartus does not want to recgonize the license file.